Wakulla County Sewer Projects Surveys

Wakulla County needs your input as part of the wastewater treatment feasibility analysis funded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  Over the next several weeks, four separate surveys will be posted to gauge public opinion of sewer projects.  Each survey is created to focus on a different aspect of this concept so please be sure to check back with us so we can hear from you.  The first survey focuses on your general knowledge of sewer projects here in the County and what sources you use to stay connected to new information.  This will help us make sure we are communicating the information you need through the sources you most commonly use.  Future surveys will cover topics such as general environmental concerns, experience with past projects, and your desire to participate in any future projects.  The deadline to complete this first survey is July 23, 2021.  Thanks in advance for your assistance!   Survey link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8DSYLW6.